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An employee going through his superannuation.


ACTUARIAL CERTIFICATES Legislative amendments have recently passed that mean SMSFs that are fully in retirement phase for the whole income year, with disregarded small fund assets, will not be required to obtain an actuarial certificate for their 2022 SMSF Annual...
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Some coins and a calculator in front of a Tax Agent

Tax Agents

SUPERVISORY ARRANGEMENTS The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) has finalised guidance on the “supervisory arrangements requirements under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA)”. The TPB’s draft guidance was released for public consultation on 31 May 2021. The TASA requires all...
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Image of a dollar bill with an overlay of dollar signs and a graph

International Tax

MULTILATERAL INSTRUMENT The Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, also known as the Multilateral Instrument (MLI), is a multilateral treaty that enables jurisdictions to swiftly modify the operation of their tax...
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Stock Market Image

Capita Gains Tax

SMALL BUSINESS CGT CONCESSIONS The ATO has found that some larger and wealthier businesses are mistakenly claiming the small business CGT concessions when they are not entitled to. If you have claimed one or more Small business CGT concessions in...
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Businessmen in front of the word tax

Business Tax

NSW RECOVERY PACKAGE The NSW Government’s Economic Recovery Strategy includes funding to stimulate economic activity in cities and regions with a strong focus on rebuilding and supporting businesses, helping the hip pocket and boosting jobs. The Premier and Treasurer also...
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International Tax

International Tax

TRANSFER PRICING The ATO has issued a Decision Impact Statement outlining its response to the transfer pricing case of Commissioner of Taxation v Glencore Investment. The taxpayer won the case in the Full Federal Court and the High Court refused…

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Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax

CRYPTOCURRENCIES The ATO treats cryptocurrency like shares and many other investments, so it is generally regarded as a capital gains tax (CGT) asset. A CGT event occurs when disposing of cryptocurrency. Events can include selling cryptocurrency for a fiat currency,…

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